We wish to state that for any enquiries or information about our Institution or admission related queries, kindly visit our official website (www.rrmch.org only) or visit the college office in person. We are not held responsible for any misleading information about our institution or concerning admission details depicted in any other public forum or spurious websites which look identical to our Institutional website.

Recognized by National Medical Commission (NMC) & Govt. of India and constituent college of Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute




Pathology as a subject deals with study of human diseases. It forms the bridge between Pre Clinical & Clinical Sciences. It is to do with the application of advances in basic biological sciences, understand the nature and evaluation of each disease in detail.

The Department of Pathology helps students advance their knowledge of pathological conditions. The Department utilizes advanced systems for routine and specialized diagnosis and students are encouraged to refer to the vast collection of CDs and slides. Computers and Binocular Microscopes with CCTV further aid students in the learning process.

The Department of Pathology imparts theoretical and practical training to the II MBBS students. The subject of Pathology deals with the understanding of disease processes, disease evolution and consequences of the same. It deals with Laboratory diagnosis, correlating clinical features with laboratory findings, and interpretation of laboratory investigation results. It teaches the students in the performing basic investigation procedures and tests.

The students who have completed the basic sciences namely Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry get to learn in Pathology, altered structure, altered – function and changes in the biochemical parameters. This helps in understanding of diseases. Pathology is the backbone of clinical medicine.

The curriculum centers around Histopathology, Hematology, cytology along with clinical Pathology. The diagnostic wing in the hospital offers services under these categories.

The department is well equipped with necessary infrastructure especially adequate specimens for museum, slides for study, audio-visual aids and department library. All these are put to maximum use for creating an exemplary learning environment, as we patronize the concept of “Pathology in pictures”.

The entire armamentarium includes state-of-the-art imported microscopes, microtomes, automatic cell counters and computerized diagnostic facility.

Why Choose Us?

Our department has highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. The department follows the strict regimes of teaching as laid down by Medical Council of India and Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. There is a holistic approach to the understanding of clinical medicine and basic sciences. The students are encouraged to develop a scientific temper and inquiring mind in understanding the clinical challenges/clinical situations. This will result in producing doctors with humane approach and apply evidence based medicine for the patient community.


The department has two wings namely college and hospital services. The undergraduate students’ theory classes and practicals are held in the college building. We a have large lecture halls provided with LCD projectors, overhead projectors and black boards. Demonstration rooms are also provided for specimen demonstration and instruments. Practical halls are fully equipped. Further laboratory tables and dedicated microscopes are provided for the students for lessons in haematology, cytology and histopathology. The department has a well stocked pathology museum to teach the medical students. The service laboratory of pathology, in the hospital, functions round the clock as part of the Pathology Department to provide the services for both inpatients and out patients of Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital. The Haematology section has haematology automated cell counter for routine and clinical investigations. Clinical Pathology, Cytology and histopathology are fully equipped. Pap smears are done daily. The FNAC are also done daily for all patients when indicated. Histopathology section provides biopsy diagnosis for patients along with Frozen section facilities and Immunohistochemistry. We also receive medico-legal autopsies from Forensic Medicine Department for histological diagnosis whenever needed. The department takes active part in clinic-pathological conferences with the clinical departments. The Blood Bank is attached to the department which provides the necessary blood / blood components for transfusion to patients.






The students of this college won the third prize in the State Level Pathology Quiz at Davangere in 2009.

  1. Dr.Sharmila PS- Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy
  2. Dr.Jyothi A Raj- Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy

  • Dr. Vamseedhar Annam, 7th Faculty branding ward 2019 - Best faculty award by EET CRS research wing for excellence in professional education and industry, Kolkata
  • Medical excellence Award for outstanding achievements and remarkable role in the field of medical – at New Delhi on 19th Feb 2018 – Dr. Vamseedhar Annam
  • Vijay Rattan Gold Medal Award – for outstanding achievements and remarksable role in the field of medical – New Delhi on 19th Feb 2018 – Dr. Vamseedhar Annam
  • UNESCO Chair Bioethics Haifa – Department of Education – The international certificate of Principles of Bioethics and Human Rights – on 28th Feb 2017 - Dr. Vamseedhar Annam
  • Dr.Vamseedhar Annam, Honoured “Award for Research Excellence”, Indo-American Education Summit 2016 by Indus Foundation.
  • Dr.Sharmila PS- Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy
  • Dr.Jyothi A Raj- Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy


  • Nalini Modepalli, Suguna Belur Venugopal. Clinicopathological study of surface epithelial tumors of the ovary: An Institutional Study; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, vol 10(10). Ec1- 4. 2016
  • Nalini Modepalli, Venugopal SB, Mukherjee T. Primary ovarian neoplasms: 5-year institutional study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 05/ Issue 46/ June 09, 2016
  • Vamseedhar Annam, Priyanka Maleedhu, M Vijaya Bhaskar, L Venugopal. Evaluation of Serum Procalcitonin Levels and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score in Assessing the Severity and Outcome of Sepsis. Int J Sci Study 2016; 3(10): 48-51.
  • Jayker SS, Anantharaj J, Surhonne SP, et al. Histopathological spectrum of hyperpigmented lesions of skin. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016;5(34):1913-1916.
  • Lucky Sinha1, Padmavathi2, Jyothi Anantharaj, acroangiodermatitis of mali, J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 05/ Issue 18/ Mar. 03, 2016
  • Preethi Dinesh1, Nithun Reddy2, Jyothi Anantharaj3, Neurofibromatosis and neoplasms–two interesting cases, J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 5/ Issue 10/ Feb. 04, 2016
  • Jayker SS, Prakash JC, Arkeswara YM, Ansari NM, Hashim MS, Achappa P. Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica of Tibia as Initial Manifestation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Journal of Case Reports 2017;7(1):1-4
  • Nanditha Sheshanna, Gurpreet Sethi, Jyothi A Raj, Sumitha M Prakash, Sharmila P Surthonne; Sudden Death In Sickle Cell Disease: An Autopsy Diagnosis, The Journal Of Medical Sciences, October-December 2017;3(4):113-115
  • Dr Shashikala K1, Dr Mohammad Naushad Ansari2, Dr Prakash C J3, Dr Anisha TS1; Multilocular Cystic Renal Cell Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential: A Case Report with Review of Literature; International Journal of Health Sciences and Research; ISSN: 2249-9571
  • TS Anisha, Ajay K Sahu, Jyothi A Raj, BM Rupakala, M Gautham, PS Sharmila; A Rare case of transitional cell carcinoma of ovary: Case report and review of literature; The Journal of Medical Sciences;Jul-Sept 2017, Vol 3, Issue 3; 82-85
  • M Padmavathi, Jyothi A Raj; Histopathological spectrum of non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of thyroid: A 5 year prospective study in a tertiary care hospital; The Journal of Medical Sciences;Jul-Sept 2017, Vol 3, Issue 3; 63-68
  • Dr. Shashikala, K., 2Dr. Usha Ramachandra, Diagnostic accuracy of acute appendicitis with significant pre-operative inflammatory markers (tlc, neutrophil count) and post-operative histopathological diagnosis Encountered At Rrmch, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 9, Issue, 07, pp.53439-53441, July, 2017, ISSN: 097S-833X
  • K.Shashikala, Diagnostic efficacy endometrial aspiration cytology in gynecological pathology, Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, October-December 2017;4(4):517-522,
  • Misbah Anjum, Sharmial P Surhonne, Pannaga P Kumar, S Swarna Kamala, Rizni Mansoor; Chondrosarcoma Masquerading As An Abscess In The Gluteal Region, The Journal Of Medical Sciences, January-March 2018;4(1):1-3
  • Dr Shruthi Gowthami M R1, Dr Mahanthachar V2, Dr Sharmila P S3; A rare case of splenic pseudocyst; The Journal of Medical Sciences; Jan-Mar 2018, Vol 4, issue -1, 25-27
  • Chandrashekar BS, Prabhakara S1, Mohan T1, Shabeer D2, Basavaraj Bhandare2, Nalini M3, Sharmila PS3, Characterization of Rubia cordifolia L. root extract and its evaluation of cardioprotective effect in Wistar rat model; Jan-Feb 2018; Vol50 | Issue 1
  • Dr Syeda Sarah1*, Anwaruddin Ahmed2, Vamseedhar Annam3, Sharmila P Surhonne4; Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Jugular Bulb- A Rare Case Report; JMSCR Vol||07||Issue||04||Page 330-334||April 2019, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
  • Preethi Dinesh1, Jyothi A Raj2, Yadalla Harikishan Kumar3;Inflammatory Dermatoses of the Superficial Cutaneous Reactive Unit—Study of Morphological Features with Clinical Correlation; The Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 1 (January–March 2019)
  • Nalini M, Jyothi A. R. Histomorphological Spectrum of Neoplastic Lesions of Kidney with a Brief Review of Literature: International Journal of Current Research and Review: April 2021
  • Swathi P, Usha S M R, Sharmila S P; Hematological Indices in Controlled and Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; The Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume 6 Issue 2 :April–June 2020
  • Shushan S J, Sahithi T, Jyothi R K, Sharmila P S: Spectrum of Lesions in Peritumoral Area in Association with Carcinoma of Breast: The Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume 5; Issue 3: July–September 2019
  • Anisha TS, Shashikala K, Ramya T, Sharmila P.S Patterns of lung lesion in autopsy: A histopathological study: Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology / Volume 13 Number 1 / January - March 2020
  • Shushan S J , Jyothi A R, Sahithi T, Ritu Y, Sharmila P S; Histopathological Spectrum of Splenic Lesions in Morbid and Autopsy Specimens; The Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 2 (April–June 2019)
  • Dr Syeda S, Anwaruddin A, Vamseedhar A, Sharmila P S; Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Jugular Bulb- A Rare Case Report; JMSCR Vol||07||Issue||04||Page 330-334||April 2019, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
  • Rajalaxmi, Vamseedhar A, Anisha T. S, Vasundhara, Sahithi T; Congenital Intrinsic Duodenal Atresia (Type III) - A Rare Case Report; J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc: 2349-2570: Vol. 7:Issue 14:April 06/2020.
  • Madhuri K, Yugank A, Vamseedhar A, Prakash C. J, Shreya D. P, Harshitha K. S; Unilateral Multiple Tuberous Xanthomas Mimicking Multiple Lipomatosis in Type IIa
  • Hypercholesterolemia- A Case Report with Review; J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc.2349-2570;Vol.7:Issue:16April 2020
  • Nikitha K, Shashikala K, Sharmila P, Tanvi S, Pavithra P : Study of spectrum of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions in fallopian tube in a tertiary care hospital: Int. J.Clin. Diagn. Pathol., 2020;3(3): 118-122
  • Sumitha M.P, Nalini M: Histopathological array of cardiac lesions in a tertiary care hospital – An Autopsy study: Indian journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology: Vol.14, No.2, Apr - Jun2021
  • Priyadarshini D, Nalini A R, Harish S G, Analysis of histomorphological patterns of upper GI endoscopic biopsies in a tertiary care centre: International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 2020; 3(3): 176-181
  • Priyadarshini D, Harish S G, Analytical study of reactive thrombocytosis prevalence in microcytic hypochromic anemia: IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2020;5(4):419–423
  • Harish S.G, Priyadarshini D: Histopathological evaluation of Hansen’s disease in the post eradication era at a tertiary care hospital, South India. Int J Cur Res Rev: 2021; 13 (9): 2196 – 2231
  • Sumitha M P, Niveditha S R, Thejasvi K, Utility of Microwave Processing in Plasma-Thromboplastin Method of Cell Block Prepared from Fine Needle Aspirates, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Aug, Vol-13(8): EC18-EC22
  • Sumitha M P, Niveditha S R, Tejaswi K, Cell Block or centrifuged Smear: A Comparative Study from a Tertiary Care Center, Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, 2019Vol (5), Issue (5)
  • Anisha T.S: Evaluation of AgNOR scores in Fine needle aspiration smears of breast lesions: Indian Journal of Pathology Research and Practice



Paper Presentation


The curriculum is as per the RGUHS directive and meets the requirements of Medical Council of India for II MBBS. Apart from lectures, practicals and demonstration in the subject by the faculty, the graduate program includes tutorials and seminars involving active student participation. The theory classes comprise 120 hrs of lecture and practical classes comprise 144 hrs for 72 sessions of 2 hours each.


  • Dr. Jyothi A. Raj

    Professor and Head of Department
  • Dr. K. Shashikala Kenchappa

  • Dr. Nalini. M

  • Dr Priyadarshini Devendrappa

    Professor, Dean of IQAC
  • Dr. Anisha T.S

  • Dr. Aradhana Harrison

    Associate Professor
  • Dr. Sheetal

    Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Mythreyi M U

    Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Anushree M N

    Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Shilpa Rao M

    Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Deepthi A

    Assistant Professor
  • Dr.Shilpashree

    Senior Resident
  • Dr.Karishma K

  • Dr. Debalina Roy

  • Dr. Malave Nikita Deelip

  • Dr.Moumita Maity

  • Dr. Sharvika Dubey

  • Dr. Sharon Johnson

  • Dr. Swati Mishra

  • Dr.Deepali Singh

  • Dr.Ilakiya Sankaran

  • Dr. Shoubhik Patra

  • Dr.Bimala Pokhrel

  • Dr.Paramita Bhowmika

  • Dr. Jha Sangita Ravindra

  • Dr.Kitty Joseph Kuruvilla

  • Dr. Rashi Dudeja

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