The department of physiotherapy was established in 2003 at RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital to cater to the preventive, creative, therapeutic and rehabilitation needs of the rural people need was felt to impart the much needed physiotherapy vocational and rehabilitation training programme. Practical training to students is imparted at state of the art physiotherapy and rehabilitation center where a student gets hands on training under the expert faculty of multidisciplinary tertiary care Hospital. Students expand their horizons of therapeutic and rehabilitative concepts through involvement in community based rehabilitation programs and their “outreach” activities.
Physiotherapy labs are well equipped, sophisticated and modern equipment have been installed which are calibrated periodically.
Our faculty has Teaching staffs of 1 Professor, 4 Associate Professors and 4 Assistant Professors and one Tutor. Non teaching staff includes 1 Clerk, 1 Librarian, and 4 Attenders. Our campus includes One separate Boys hostel and one separate girls hostel and one hostel for Interns.
The Institution plans and organizes the teaching /learning process by framing academic calendar at the beginning of the Academic year. All staffs submit their lesson plans. We also have out-patient and in-patient teaching, which includes community teaching. The course objectives are clearly stated and ensured by principal-staff meeting at regular intervals. The curriculum is completed in the stipulated time frame. The students are made to participate in Seminars, Workshops and Conferences. We have OHP, LCD Projectors, E-Learning and Wi fi.
Faculty of Physiotherapy conducts staff training program to update the curricular requirements.. All are trained in special techniques. 3 visiting faculties are there to handle specific subjects. Staffs are academically recharged and rejuvenated by participating in Workshops, Seminars and Conferences at the National level.
RajaRajeswari College of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Allied Health Science had organised a session on “Rising Together” a faculty development program on 22nd February 2020 at 10:00am in the Board Room, RRMCH.
Mrs. Smitha Ramesh a trained life skill trainer by Profession was invited to deliver the talk. The session was attended by 17 delegates that include the principal’s of the respective college.
Mrs. Roopalatha, Associate Professor, Nursing introduced and welcomed the Speaker.
Mrs. Smitha spoke on how emotional Intelligencers (EI Quotient) plays a vital role in the field of teaching and also how important it is to for the teachers to step out of the comfort zone to be self motivated and also to be a part of a great team. She introduced us into heuristic exercises like the ‘Johari Window’ and the Japense concept of ‘Ikigai”. The session was interactive along with self assessment activities conducted by her.
The session was ended by a vote of thanks given by Mrs. Jibi Deepak, Assistant Professor, and Physiotherapy along with gifting Mrs. Smitha with a token of love and appreciation.
Rajarajeswari College of Physiotherapy celebrated the World Environment Day on 5th of June 2018. On this occasion the department planted saplings around the campus contributing to a healthy environment. This year the theme was “BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION” in order to urge the staff and students of Rajarajeswari College of Physiotherapy to pledge against the use of plastic within the campus and outside.
Specialty Clinics:
Fitness laboratory: Patients having problems like obesity, Stroke, Cerebral palsy, cardiopulmonary diseases and general aliments are treated. Initially it was started on a trial basis for obesity reduction in PMT staff and students. Then gradually it has been used to treat patients with various disabilities. Patients with neurological conditions like cerebral palsy, stroke and musculoskeletal conditions are treated for fitness and gait training. Patients with cardiopulmonary conditions are rehabilitated on OPD basis.
Paediatric neuro physiotherapy department
Paediatric physiotherapy unit was established to treat paediatric patients with neurological disorders. Number of children suffering from cerebral palsy, Gullian Barre syndrome, Spinal muscular dystrophy, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is brought to the centre for training and rehabilitation.
A trained physiotherapist manages paediatric patients. Special educator counsels to improve cognitive and higher mental functions. Our goal is to make the patient recreational aspects of children. Our department includes specialized walkers of different sizes, Swiss ball, tilt boards, quadriceps table, parallel bar, postural mirror and bolsters. Various toys have been placed to make treatment playful stimulation, Trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, Phyaction, Traction, short wave diathermy, Ultrasound and paraffin wax bath to aid in management.
Various equipment like Therabands, Weight cuffs, Dumbells, sandbags, pulley systems for auto assisted exercises as well as strengthening purpose. Treadmill for aerobic training, static bicycling for limb training, shoulder wheel exerciser for improving should ROM, finger exerciser, wrist exerciser, hand & leg peddler, plumb line inclinometer, standing frames for making paediatric patients upright and for balance as well as strengthening purpose. Children who are reporting for treatment for the last 2-3 years have improved considerably.
Majority of patients visiting the physiotherapy department suffer from backache, knee pain, and shoulder and neck pain. Reason for this is that the maximum population around the institute is engaged in farming, which needs very hard work conventional treatment for pain is pain killers and analgesic injections.
After studying patients with pain, department of Anesthesia of Rural Medical College and college of Physiotherapy have started pain clinic. The objective is to treat the patients by combining Physiotherapy treatment and treatment of anesthesia.
Physiotherapy equipments like interferential Therapy, Transcutaneous Electric nerve stimulation, LASER Therapy and Ice Therapy work on the principal of pain mechanism. Anesthesia treatment includes nerve block, local anesthesia, mobilization under anesthesia etc.
Physiotherapy and anesthesia teachers are postgraduate students are posted in the clinic on rotational basis. Patients sent by Orthopedics department are assessed those who meet the criteria are treated with both modalities.