: Pathology
: 01/06/2012
: 48058
: 11 Years 6 Months
Certificate of Appreciation as International speaker at MGR-KURSK Medical Conference,2024
1. Immunoexpression Of Her-2 In Gastrointestinal Tumours Beyond Gastric Cancer: A Tool For Precision Medicine: A pilot Study
2. The International Academy Of Cytology, Yokohama System Of Reporting Breast Cytopathology: A Study At Tertiary Care Hospital
3. Immunoexpression of COX2 in Cervical Neoplasia
Oral Papers:
1. Study of Quality Indicators in Hematology Laboratory-A Retrospective Analysis
2. Columnar Cell Lesions :A histopathological Study In Patients With Carcinoma Breast
3. RBC Histograms: New Trends In Data Interpretation And Classification
4. Predictive Value Of Haematological Parameters In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
5. Uterine Cervix: Benign Histomorphological Spectrum With emphasis On Pseudoneoplastic Lesions
Ongoing Projects:
1. Study Of Platelet Indices And Histogram In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
2. The Yokohama System For Reporting Endometrial Cytology-A Study At Tertiary Care Hospital